Monday, October 19, 2009

October 23

Year 7 -

1.First, 15 minutes typing

Next on to the Formulate a Design Specification

2.Follow these instructions: Type Formulate a Design Specification (left justified, font size 16, bold, underlined)

3.Design Specification must include:
-3 interesting historical notes about your recipe or individual ingredients.
-how the recipe is important to your family
-why you like the recipe
-Create 3 more design specifications (let's brainstorm some possibilities)

4. Fill out the following questionnaire and return it to the teacher.

5. Then create a survey/questionnaire to evaluate your product/solution(recipe page). Remember to include a scale. For example, on a scale of 1 to 5 - 1 equals awful and 5 equals awesome!

- Make 1 question for each item in your design specification..

Finish Investigation, print it and hand it in today.

Learning objective: List design specifications for product solution and design a test to use in the final evaluation

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