Thursday, October 8, 2009

October 9

Practice typing 15 minutes

CREATE - Criterion D (6 points)

Create - using your Plan as a guide, create your Poster.

When creating - you must follow your plan. Then evaluate the plan. Did it work EXACTLY as you thought it would?

Follow these guidelines for maximum points (6):
-Use appropriate techniques and equipment
-Follow the plan and mention any changes made
-Your poster must follow the design specification and attractive

EVALUATE is the final stage of the Design Cycle - Let's go!

Evaluating is an important part of any project.
1) Show others your poster and let them answer the questionnaire you made in Investigate
2) Analyse the answers
3) Assess your own performance throughtout the process of creating the poster including your engagement in the project and your ability to meet deadlines

Learning Objective: The student will: follow plan to create poster, evaluate and critique plan.

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