Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 28


Year 7, it's almost time to say "Goodbye" and take a long deserved break.

But before we go let's vote for Miss Callie's charity:


check out our online cookbook:


let's continue the trend and help others;-)

Free Rice:
Free Poverty:
Free Kibble (Dog):
Free Kibble (Cat):
Free Flour:
Aid to Children:
Help Thirst:

Sunday, June 20, 2010

June 21, 25

Year 7, Miss Callie has started a foundation (SAES - Students in Action: Education Soweto).

There is a "public service challenge" being offered by Capella University in which the winner will receive $10,000 to support their charity. This prize would go a long way in helping fund this project.

Part of the selection process will be based on how many hits this video has. (Chris Larsen put together this video - Thank you Christopher;-)

Let's show our support by voting for Miss Callie's video:


You can vote once in each 24 hour period.

Then continue working on your Humanities project.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

June 14, 18

Year 7 - We still have a few things to do before we finish.
I still need a few pieces of work from 2 people.
I need your final product in a digital version.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 7, 11

Year 7 - Good Morning;-)
1. 15 minutes typing,
2. Finish your evaluation and hand them in.

Learning objectives: carry out tests to compare final product against design specification, suggest improvements, reflect on their performance and identify parts they found difficult and suggest ways in which their performance could be improved.

Friday, May 28, 2010

May 28, 31, June 4

Next, we will complete Criterion E - Evaluate and hand it in by the end of class today.

To get a 5/6 the student: uses the test to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification. The student evaluates his/her own performance in achieving a good product/solution and suggests ways in which these could be improved. The student responds to the MYP unit question.

1. Show your recipe flyer to 3-5 classmates and let them answer the questions you created in your Investigation (formulate a design specification), then write a paragraph analyzing the feedback,
2. Reflect upon and evaulate your own performance throughout the design cycle and say how you could improve,
3. Respond to the MYP unit question "How can I use Computer Technology to show cultural diversity?" Were you successful in your task? - Write a paragraph stating how you solved your MYP problem and saying if you were successful.

Learning objective: carry out tests, consider the success of your product/solution, reflect on your performance.

Friday, May 21, 2010

May 21, 24

1. Typing Practice - 15 minutes

2. CREATE - Criterion D Maximum 6 points.

Follow the plan you made to create your product (recipe flyer).

Then write a paragraph saying whether your plan worked EXACTLY. Since you are beginners at making production plans, many things could go wrong. Did you leave out any important steps? Was the actual time to produce each step different from your estimated time? Be sure to record any modifications (changes) you made to your plan. Say what you changed and why you made the change;-)

Learning Objective: Understand the importance of a plan, and follow the plan to produce a product/solution of appropriate quality.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

May 17

1) 15 minutes typing
2) Continue with your plan. . .

Students are expected to evaluate the plan and justify any modifications to the design.

3) Write a paragraph explaining why you think your plan will work. Also explain any changes you have decided to make to your recipe flyer;-)

Friday, May 14, 2010

May 14

Year 7 it all begins with a plan!

1. Resources: Computer, Publisher 2007, Recipe, Image, Why I Like It, What It Means To My Family, Design Specification, Chosen Design.

2. Now, make a step-by-step plan of what you will do to create your recipe flyer AND estimate how long it will take you.

Open Publisher 2007, 1 minute
Choose Publication Type - Flyers, 1 minute
Select Event Party 2 - 1 minute
Change background color to pink, 1 minute
Insert recipe - See Chosen Design, 2 minutes
Insert picture - See Chosen Design, 2 minutes

Continue on until you have completed all the steps you think you will need and the time that it will take you.

Finish your step by step plan.

Write a paragraph saying why you think your plan will work. Include the fact that you have done a tutorial and have had experience using Publisher 2007;-)

Learning objectives: devleop a basic time line and write instructions for making the product/solution.

Friday, May 7, 2010

May 7, 10

1. 15 minutes typing

Today we will focus on the DESIGN - Criterion B Maximum 6 points

According to the IBO:
Students are expected to generate more than two feasible designs that meet the design specification and to evaluate these against the design specification.

Students are then expected to select one design, justify their choice and evaluate this in detail against the design specification.

To get a 5-6: The student generates more than two designs and selects one with several reasons. The student attempts to explain how his/her design meets his/her specifications.
2. Using paper and pencil (colored pencils/crayons/markers) you will create 3 different designs.

Insert text boxes but NOT the text for your recipe.

REMEMBER: all your information (complete recipe, 3 interesting facts, what it means to my family, image AND your first name and tutor group) must fit on the recipe flyer.

Learning objective: create designs and communicate them.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May 3

1. 15 minutes typing
2. Publisher Tutorial
3. Publisher Practice

Learning Objectives: The student will gain confidence and skill in using another Microsoft Office productivty tool.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 26, 30

1.First, 15 minutes typing

Next: on to the Formulate a Design Specification

2.Follow these instructions: Type 3. Formulate a Design Specification (left justified, font size 16, bold, underlined)

3.Design Specification must include:
-3 interesting historical notes about your recipe or individual ingredients.
-how the recipe is important to your family
-why you like the recipe
-Create 3 more design specifications (let's brainstorm some possibilities)

4. Then create a survey/questionnaire to evaluate your product/solution(recipe page). Remember to include a scale. For example, on a scale of 1 to 5 - 1 equals awful and 5 equals awesome!

- Make 1 question for each item in your design specification
- Keep everything ordered properly;-)

Learning Objective: The student will design, with limited guidance a test to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 19, 23

Good Morning Year 7 - hope you had a great weekend.

1) 15 minutes typing
2) Let's complete our Develop a Design Brief and hand it in today at the end of class.

3) Begin Research

There are 4 areas that you will research:
My Recipe
3 Interesting Historical Facts or Notes about my recipe or ingredients used
How the recipe is important to my family
Why I like this recipe

History and Culture through Food

1) Select a favorite family recipe.
2) Research your RECIPE online OR copy down the recipe and bring it to school on Friday.
3) Open your Investigation (we began it last week)
4) Type 2. Develop a Design Brief (left justified, font size 16, bold, underlined)
5) Go to and type in the name of your recipe (example: Apple Pie recipe).
6) Copy/paste the recipe into your document.
7) Next, find as much information as you can about your recipe and the ingredients. For example, if your recipe calls for mustard, look up mustard on the timeline.
8) Select three interesting historical notes about your recipe or its individual ingredients. Type these in your Investigation.
9) How is my recipe important to my family? (What traditions surround this recipe? Who in your family is famous for this recipe?) Answer this question and type in your Investigation.
10) Why do I like the recipe? Try to explain why the combination of ingredients is pleasing to you. Answer this question and type in your Investigation.

Learning objective: The student will develop research strategies, record sources and document learning.

Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16

Year 7, it's another rainy day:-(

1) 15 minutes of typing

2) Let's finish the Identify the Problem (which we started on Monday,-)

3) Begin Research

There are 4 areas that you will research:
My Recipe
3 Interesting Historical Facts or Notes about my recipe or ingredients used
How the recipe is important to my family
Why I like this recipe

History and Culture through Food

1) Select a favorite family recipe.
2) Research your RECIPE online OR copy down the recipe and bring it to school on Friday.
3) Open your Investigation (we began it last week)
4) Type 2. Develop a Design Brief (left justified, font size 16, bold, underlined)
5) Go to and type in the name of your recipe (example: Apple Pie recipe).
6) Copy/paste the recipe into your document.
7) Next, find as much information as you can about your recipe and the ingredients. For example, if your recipe calls for mustard, look up mustard on the timeline.
8) Select three interesting historical notes about your recipe or its individual ingredients. Type these in your Investigation.
9) How is my recipe important to my family? (What traditions surround this recipe? Who in your family is famous for this recipe?) Answer this question and type in your Investigation.
10) Why do I like the recipe? Try to explain why the combination of ingredients is pleasing to you. Answer this question and type in your Investigation.

Learning objective: The student will develop research strategies, record sources and document learning.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 12

Good Morning Year 7!

First, let's start the class with a little typing lesson. Click here to visit Free Typing Games. But first we need to change the keyboard from Portuguese to English;-)

This site offers free lessons and games. To become a really proficient (fast and accurate) typist, you should do a combination of both lessons and games. Lessons help because they show you where you should place your hands on the keyboard and give practice with specific letter combinations. Lessons help typing become automatic. Games are fun and help you build speed!

Next, let's take a look at the 5 steps of the MYP Design Cycle. It's really important to understand how it works. Investigate, Design, Plan, Create, Evaluate

Then, let's explore the unit of work.

Finally, let's begin the Investigation.

1) Let's look at the structure of the documentation process. Remember that this is a scholastic document (a formal school project) and should conform to certain standards. That means that is a school project that you must hand in and you will be graded upon this work so it has to look professional;-)

We will type in font size 12. We will type in black. We will use a formal font (Times New Roman, Calibri, Ariel).

Let's look at the template for the Investigate that will make this process easier for us:

Click Here

Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 22

Year 7 - This morning we will use our new Publisher 2007 skills to create "door hangers".

Let's start:

1. Open Publisher 2007,
2. Click on Blank Page Sizes,
3. Click on Create Custom Page - 4.25 x 11.693,

4. Add some creativity.

March 26 - Have a great holiday break. See you on April 9!

Learning Objective: with limited guidance further develop desktop publishing skills and techniques to create a useful object.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 15, 19

March 15, Activity Day with Year 7 - Évora

March 19, Free time to explore the internet at your leisure and collaborate with others.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 8, 12

Year 7 we are almost finished:-)
1. 15 minutes typing practice
2. Evaluation worksheet

To get a 5/6 the student: uses the test to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification. The student evaluates his/her own performance in achieving a good product/solution and suggests ways in which these could be improved. The student responds to the MYP unit question.

1. Show your recipe flyer to 3-5 classmates and let them answer the questions you created in your Investigation (formulate a design specification), then write a paragraph analyzing the feedback,
2. Reflect upon and evaulate your own performance throughout the design cycle and say how you could improve,
3. Respond to the MYP unit question "How can I use Computer Technology to show cultural diversity?" Were you successful in your task? - Write a paragraph stating how you solved your MYP problem and saying if you were successful.

Learning objective: carry out tests, consider the success of your product/solution, reflect on your performance.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

March 1

CREATE - Criterion D Maximum 6 points.

Follow the plan you made to create your product (recipe flyer).

Then write a paragraph saying whether your plan worked EXACTLY. Since you are beginners at making production plans, many things could go wrong. Did you leave out any important steps? Was the actual time to produce each step different from your estimated time?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

February 22, 26

Year 7, it all starts with a Plan (Criterion C - maximum 6 points).

Feb 22

1. Resources: Computer, Publisher 2007, Recipe, Image, Why I Like It, What It Means To My Family, Design Specification, Chosen Design.

2. Now, make a step-by-step plan of what you will do to create your recipe flyer AND estimate how long it will take you.

Open Publisher 2007, 1 minute
Choose Publication Type - Flyers, 1 minute
Select Event Party 2 - 1 minute
Change background color to pink, 1 minute
Insert recipe - See Chosen Design, 2 minutes
Insert picture - See Chosen Design, 2 minutes

Continue on until you have completed all the steps you think you will need and the time that it will take you.

Feb 26

Finish your step by step plan.

Write a paragraph saying why you think your plan will work. Include the fact that you have done a tutorial and have had experience using Publisher 2007;-)

Learning objectives: devleop a basic time line and write instructions for making the product/solution.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 12

1) 15 minutes typing

2) Finish your 3 designs - label them Design 1, Design 2 and Design 3

Next, I would like you to look at your design specification. Make sure that your design meets your design specification.

3) Then write a sentence stating that the design meets your design specification.

For example:

Design 1 meets my design specification because it includes the recipe, the 3 interesting facts, why I like it, how it is important to my family, . . .

4) Choose 1 design and say why you have chosen it. Why is it a better choice than the others?

Learning objectives: create designs and communicate them using different forms and conventions

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 8

Year 7 - Hope you enjoyed your Activity Day. The next one is on March 15 and the focus will be Technology;-) I can't wait.

1. 15 minutes typing

Today we will focus on the Design - Criterion B Maximum 6 points

According to the IBO:
Students are expected to generate more than two feasible designs that meet the design specification and to evaluate these against the design specification.

Students are then expected to select one design, justify their choice and evaluate this in detail against the design specification.

To get a 5-6: The student generates more than two designs and selects one with several reasons. The student attempts to explain how his/her design meets his/her specifications.

2. Create 3 possible designs (you can use templates or create your own) and

Insert text boxes but NOT the text for your recipe.

REMEMBER: all your information (complete recipe, 3 interesting facts, what it means to my family, image AND your first name and tutor group) must fit on the recipe flyer.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

February 1

1. 15 minutes typing
2. Publisher Tutorial
3. Publisher Practice

Let's go!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 25, 29

1.First, 15 minutes typing

Next: on to the Formulate a Design Specification

2.Follow these instructions: Type 3. Formulate a Design Specification (left justified, font size 16, bold, underlined)

3.Design Specification must include:
-3 interesting historical notes about your recipe or individual ingredients.
-how the recipe is important to your family
-why you like the recipe
-Create 3 more design specifications (let's brainstorm some possibilities)

4. Then create a survey/questionnaire to evaluate your product/solution(recipe page). Remember to include a scale. For example, on a scale of 1 to 5 - 1 equals awful and 5 equals awesome!

- Make 1 question for each item in your design specification
- Keep everything ordered properly;-)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

January 18, 22

Well done Year 7 - Now it's time to start stage 2 of the Investigation. This is the part where we do research.

1) 15 Minutes typing
2) Finish Identify the Problem Paragraph
3) Begin Research

History and Culture through Food

1) Select a favorite family recipe.
2) Research your recipe online OR copy down the recipe and bring it to school on Friday.
3) Open your Investigation (we began it last week)
4) Type Develop a Design Brief (left justified, font size 16, bold, underlined)
5) Type your recipe
6) Open Internet Explorer and go to the Food Timeline Web page: (remember to use in-text referencing)
7) Using the food timeline find as much information as you can about your recipe and the ingredients. For example, if your recipe calls for mustard, look up mustard on the timeline.
8) Select three interesting historical notes about your recipe or its individual ingredients. Type these in your Investigation.
9) How the recipe is important to your family? (What traditions surround this recipe? Who in your family is famous for this recipe?) Answer this question and type in your Investigation.
10) Why do you like the recipe? Try to explain why the combination of ingredients is pleasing to you. Answer this question and type in your Investigation.

Monday, January 11, 2010

January 15

Good Afternoon Year 7. It's almost time to begin the weekend, but before we go let's:

Period 7
1) 15 minute typing
2) organize our folders
Period 8
3) work on Identify the Problem

Learning objectives: practice typing to increase proficiency, to develop organizational skills, to develop a simple design brief with guidance

Friday, January 8, 2010

January 11

Good morning Year 7!

1. 15 minutes typing - Remember to change your keyboard to EN (English;-)

2. let's begin the Investigation.

Let's look at the structure of the documentation process. Remember that this is a scholastic document (a formal school project) and should conform to certain standards. That means that is a school project that you must hand in and you will be graded upon this work so it has to look professional;-)

We will type in font size 12. We will type in black. We will use a formal font (Times New Roman, Calibri, Ariel).

Let's look at the template for the Investigate that will make this process easier for us: Click Here

January 8

Good Afternoon and Welcome back Year 7!

First, let's start the class with a little typing lesson. Click here to visit Free Typing Games. This site offers free lessons and games. To become a really proficient (fast and accurate) typist, you should do a combination of both lessons and games. Lessons help because they show you where you should place your hands on the keyboard and give practice with specific letter combinations. Lessons help typing become automatic. Games are fun and help you build speed!

Next, let's take a look at the 5 steps of the MYP Design Cycle. It's really important to understand how it works. Investigate, Design, Plan, Create, Evaluate

Then, let's explore the unit of work.

Finally, let's begin the Investigation.

1) Let's look at the structure of the documentation process. Remember that this is a scholastic document (a formal school project) and should conform to certain standards. That means that is a school project that you must hand in and you will be graded upon this work so it has to look professional;-)

We will type in font size 12. We will type in black. We will use a formal font (Times New Roman, Calibri, Ariel).

Let's look at the template for the Investigate that will make this process easier for us: Click Here

Sunday, January 3, 2010