Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 16

Year 7:

Practice typing for 15-minutes;-)

Then, on to the 2nd task in the Investigate: Develop a Design Brief
This is the part where we do research.

Please finish all your work during class or for homework;-)

History and Culture through Food

1) Select a favorite family recipe.
2) Copy down the recipe and bring it to school.
3) Open your Investigation (we began it last week)
4) Type Develop a Design Brief (left justified, font size 16, bold, underlined)
5) Type your recipe OR do a Google keyword search for your recipe - in English and copy and paste it into your Investigation

6) Open Internet Explorer and go to the Food Timeline Web page: (remember to use in-text referencing)
7) Using the food timeline find as much information as you can about your recipe and the ingredients. For example if your recipe calls for mustard, look up mustard on the timeline.
8) Select three interesting historical notes about your recipe or its individual ingredients. Type these in your Investigation.
9) How the recipe is important to your family? (What traditions surround this recipe? Who in your family is famous for this recipe?) Answer this question and type in your Investigation.
10) Why do you like the recipe? Try to explain why the combination of ingredients is pleasing to you. Answer this question and type in your Investigation.

Learning objective: Students will use the internet and conduct research

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