Thursday, October 25, 2007

October 26

Good Morning Year 7

I was reminded that Year 7 is on the carousel and that you will be moving on to another technology class in December. That means that our time together is limited:-(

It also means that we have a lot to accomplish so let's get started.

Have you finished your Investigation? If NOT, let me know (raise your hand).

Today we will start the DESIGN portion of our project.

  1. Produce 3 possible bulletin layouts (using Word 2007 produce 3 different bulletin layouts). Save each of the layouts as an image.
  2. Choose one and justify your choice (Why did you choose this particular design for your final project? Was it a better layout? Was it more attractive? Was it easier to read?)
  3. Evaluate against the design specification (Does your product include everything that the design specification calls for?)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

October 23

Year 7 - Good Afternoon

1) We need to finish the project we started on Friday. Look at the previous post for details.

Remember that we are also learning about the Design Cycle: Investigate, Design, Plan, Create, Evaluate (which correspond to Criteria A, B, C, D, E). As part of the Design Cycle process must complete a Folder of Documentation.

Let's look more closely at our Unit of Work (you will find this in the Year 7 folder (IT-MsDietrich) and in the sidebar under Important Links (UNIT OF WORK).

2) Let's make a cover sheet for the entire project. Open a document in Word 2007. Click on the Insert tab. Look at the Ribbon. On the far left you will see the Command - Cover Page. Click on the Cover Page icon. You will see a variety of professional looking Cover Pages to choose from. Select one.

Type: Year 7 - Unit of Work, Your Name, Term 1 2007 or the Current Date. You may also include an image (if you like).

3) Next start a new page entitled: INVESTIGATION

a) Investigate word processing software (List another word-processing program. Justity use of Word 2007 - Why are we using Microsoft Word and not another package.).
b) Provide evidence of research about bulletins/newsletters/magazine page (for information regarding what makes an attractive, well-designed layout).

Here are some links to get you started:

Another place to check out is: Click the Green START button (located in the lower left-hand corner of this screen. Next, click on ALL PROGRAMS. Then select MICROSOFT OFFICE. Finally, open MICROSOFT PUBLISHER 2007 (the programs are listed in alphabetical order).

Open Publisher 2007 and look at the templates they have available. There are some really cool ones. You might get some good ideas for your project.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

October 19

Year 7 - we have lots to do.

Let's get started right away!

1)As a class let's review the Word Toolbar and the vocabulary associated with it. We need to know: ribbon, office button, tab, group, command. These are important aspects of the New Word 2007 and we need to know them so we can speak about them intelligently!

2) Word processing practice:

Start up Word 2007,

A. open a new file and enter the following text:

The Olney Pancake Race

Pancake races are not uncommon inmany towns and villages but the Olney pancake race is perhaps most internationally famous. It has been filmed and shown on televisionin Britain and America.

The Olney panckae race started in the year 1455 and at that time pancakes were as popular as pizzas are today. In order to qualify for the race, you must have been a permanent resident of Olney for at least three months. There is a dress code for all competitiors, the housewife's traditional uniform - an apron and headscarf!

At 11.30 a bell is rung to tell competitors to start frying pancakes . A quarter of an hour later, a secodn bell is rung to tell them to assemble on teh market Square with their freshly made pabncake and frying pan.

All competitors must toss their pancakes once whilst under starter's orders and then twice during the actual race. the prize for all this effor, apart from the fame, is a kiss from the ringer of the pancake bell.

B. Save the text with the filename P1, close the file and exit word.
C. Load Word and reload the file, P1.
D. Proofread and spellcheck your work, making corrections as necessary.
E. Quick save your file.
F. Insert a new paragraph after the paragraph ending: It has been filmed and shown on television in Britain and America.

A pancake is a thin flat cake of batter usually fried and turned in a pan, often rolled up with a filling. Pancakes are traditionally eaten on shrove Tuesday.

G. In the fourth paragraph after the words tell them to assemble, delete the words on the Market Square.
H. Replace competitors with the word entrants each time it apprears (three times).
I. In the third paragraph move the sentence In order to qualify for the race, you must have been a permanent resident of Olney for at least three months from being the second sentence so that it becomes the last sentence in the paragraph.
J. Save the file as a Word 97-2005 document with the filename P3.
K. Close the file and exit Word.

3) Let's type a little. 10 minutes for typing lessons and 10 minutes for typing GAMES:-)

Next week we will start making our "Design Folder"

October 16 - Assembly

Year 7

Wow, our assembly was full of interesting people and information today. As a result we only had 15 minutes of IT class.

We'll catch up with our work on Friday! See you then!

Friday, October 12, 2007

October 12

Year 7. . .

Typing is soooo much fun! Becoming proficient (really good at it) will be of a great advantage to you and help you with your school, work, personal life!

1)Each class we will begin by spending 10 minutes with typing exercises and 10 minutes with the typing games. Remember the site we are using is here:

Keep track of your progress by writing about it in your process journal (your blog). Write the number of the tutorial(s) completed that day. You can also keep a record of your score in the games:-)

2) We will review the Word Toolbar and practice using the vocabulary associated with it.

3) One fantastic feature of blogs are that they are interactive. That means that you can comment on your classmates blogs. Please visit 2 of your classmates blogs and leave comments. (You might need permission to visit a blog - ask that an invitation be sent:-)

Monday, October 8, 2007

October 9

Year 7

Today we are going to begin something new!!! We are going to learn to type.

We are hoping to have a program downloaded on our computers in Room 12, but in the meantime go to this great free online site:

Let's get started! What fun! In the coming weeks we will practice typing 15 minutes every class. We will become experts in no time!

Now -
October 10 is Columbus Day in the United States. We are going to take this opportunity to discover some Columbus Day activities online.

Monday, October 1, 2007

October 2

  1. Open Word 2007
  2. Key in the following text. (This should not be in bold lettering and the line endings will not necessarily be in the same place.)

    Why Am I Yawning?

    Yawning is an involuntary action. When you yewn it is a sign that you need more oxygen in your lungs. If you have been sitting in a room with little ventilation and the air has become stale, your body cries out for oxygen to cleanse and purify the blood.

    The quickest way to supply htat need is to get out in the fresh air and breathe deeply. You will then find that the desire to yawn will vanish, because you are able to breathe in the oxygen you need.

    Sometimes you yawn when you are tired. The amount of rest necessary for a person to remain in good health varies greatly. Adults seem to require progressively less rest as they get older.

  3. Insert a Drop Cap in the first paragraph
  4. Run the spell check (ABC). It's located on the Review ribbon
  5. Save the text as "Yawning"

    Click on the Office Button and Save As a Word 97-2003 Document

  6. Reopen Yawning and add the following text.

Sometimes you yawn when you are bored. In such situations, you are probably not breathing deeply and feeding your lungs as you should. Maybe it is inconvenient to take a quick rest or impossible to escape from the boredom. Try breathing deeply. This will not eradicate the boredom but it might well stop that yawning!

7. Find a photo online to accompany the text and insert it into your document

8. Insert a Watermark (found on the Page Layout ribbon) with the text "Yawning"

9. Change the Page Color (found on the Page Layout ribbon) to your favourite color

Well Done Year 7!