Sunday, February 28, 2010

March 1

CREATE - Criterion D Maximum 6 points.

Follow the plan you made to create your product (recipe flyer).

Then write a paragraph saying whether your plan worked EXACTLY. Since you are beginners at making production plans, many things could go wrong. Did you leave out any important steps? Was the actual time to produce each step different from your estimated time?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

February 22, 26

Year 7, it all starts with a Plan (Criterion C - maximum 6 points).

Feb 22

1. Resources: Computer, Publisher 2007, Recipe, Image, Why I Like It, What It Means To My Family, Design Specification, Chosen Design.

2. Now, make a step-by-step plan of what you will do to create your recipe flyer AND estimate how long it will take you.

Open Publisher 2007, 1 minute
Choose Publication Type - Flyers, 1 minute
Select Event Party 2 - 1 minute
Change background color to pink, 1 minute
Insert recipe - See Chosen Design, 2 minutes
Insert picture - See Chosen Design, 2 minutes

Continue on until you have completed all the steps you think you will need and the time that it will take you.

Feb 26

Finish your step by step plan.

Write a paragraph saying why you think your plan will work. Include the fact that you have done a tutorial and have had experience using Publisher 2007;-)

Learning objectives: devleop a basic time line and write instructions for making the product/solution.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 12

1) 15 minutes typing

2) Finish your 3 designs - label them Design 1, Design 2 and Design 3

Next, I would like you to look at your design specification. Make sure that your design meets your design specification.

3) Then write a sentence stating that the design meets your design specification.

For example:

Design 1 meets my design specification because it includes the recipe, the 3 interesting facts, why I like it, how it is important to my family, . . .

4) Choose 1 design and say why you have chosen it. Why is it a better choice than the others?

Learning objectives: create designs and communicate them using different forms and conventions

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 8

Year 7 - Hope you enjoyed your Activity Day. The next one is on March 15 and the focus will be Technology;-) I can't wait.

1. 15 minutes typing

Today we will focus on the Design - Criterion B Maximum 6 points

According to the IBO:
Students are expected to generate more than two feasible designs that meet the design specification and to evaluate these against the design specification.

Students are then expected to select one design, justify their choice and evaluate this in detail against the design specification.

To get a 5-6: The student generates more than two designs and selects one with several reasons. The student attempts to explain how his/her design meets his/her specifications.

2. Create 3 possible designs (you can use templates or create your own) and

Insert text boxes but NOT the text for your recipe.

REMEMBER: all your information (complete recipe, 3 interesting facts, what it means to my family, image AND your first name and tutor group) must fit on the recipe flyer.