Thursday, January 31, 2008

February 1

Year 7 - Carnival is right around the corner. But before we celebrate, we have a few things to finish. . .
1) Typing Practice - 15 minutes
2) Check out this little gameof Concentration I created for you:
3)Have you finished your Investigation?
4) Word 2007: Borders, Columns, Page Colors

Monday, January 28, 2008

January 29

Friends, Romans, Year 7, lend me your ear!

1) 15 minutes of practice typing

2) Have you finished your Investigation? If not, let's get started. Make it look really attractive - looks count;-)
Now, let's talk about content - I love the Roman Empire!
3)Roman Links:
Kidipede - History for Kids:
BBC site - even has games!!:
Mr. Donn's site (he's a teacher too!):
Send a roman e-card to a friend:
Links to lots of site about Ancient Rome:
Virtual Rome - take a tour today:

Thursday, January 24, 2008

January 25 - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

1) 15 Minutes practice typing.

2) Open a Word document.
3) Click on the Insert tab
4) In the left-hand column, click on Cover Page
5) Choose one
6) Type your name and Year 7 Unit of Work

The tutorials are done and you have lots of knowledge about Microsoft Office Word 2007 and now you are ready to start your investigation.

Type each question and answer it completely. Save all url's for future reference.

1. What is hardware? Explain in your own words. (Save url's)
2. What is software? Explain in your own words. (Save url's)
3. What is an operating system (OP)? Explain in your own words. (Save url's)
4. Which OP is in the computer you are using? (The school's computers).
5. Name 2 software programs and explain what each of them is used for. (Save url's)

Monday, January 21, 2008

January 22

Creating a Design Cycle with Word 2007 is really fun and easy. Think of all the possibilities. . .

Also, uploading it to a blog is easy as well. First of all open PAINT. Then copy and paste the Smart Art Image into PAINT. Save As a JPEG. Finally, upload the image into a new blog post. It's that easy!!!

Now on to another activity. Please follow the directions for Activity 2.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

January 18

Year 7 - Another week has just melted away!

1) Type, Type, Type! Let's practice for 15 minutes. Remember practice makes perfect.
2) There are 5 steps to the Design Cycle. Name them (in the correct order).
3) Open a Word 2007 document.
4) Click on the Insert Tab.
5) In the Illustrations Group, click on Smart Art.
6) In the left-hand column click on Cycle
7) Now create a cycle depicting the MYP Design Cycle. Take your time and experiment! Explore all the possibilities:-)
(Is it possible to add another shape? Is it possisble to delete a shape? Is it possible to change the direction of the arrows?)
8) Let's find a way to upload this graphic to your blog. This might be a little tricky!
9) Now, list your observations and your conclusions.

Monday, January 14, 2008

January 14

Year 7 - we've got lots to do today!

1) 15 minutes of typing practice (so you will become experts!)

2) Some need to know Microsoft Word 2007 vocabulary: Office Button, Ribbon, Tab, Group, Drop Cap, Watermark, Bold, Italics, Indent, Icon

3) Complete the Activity 1 - it's online here (also located in the sidebar), print it and hand it in:-)

Friday, January 11, 2008

January 11

It's Friday Year 7:-)

1)Let's begin with our typing practice.

2) Preview of Word 2007 and appropriate vocabulary.