Monday, November 12, 2007

November 13

Everyone should be finished with the Design segment!

Now, on to the planning stage. The purpose of this section is 2-fold: 1) to reinforce the stages in the Design Cycle and 2) to plan the steps which need to be taken in the "Create" stage. So, let's get started.

I know that some of you started the Plan last Friday (WELL DONE!)

1) You need to create a flow chart. Open Microsoft Office Visio 2007
2) Click on Flowchart (you will see it listed in the left-hand sidebar)
3) Choose a background and insert 5 icons (your choice;-)
4) There should be "arrows" connecting one box to the next (like this)

5) The text in the boxes should follow the flow of the Design Cycle (Investigate, Design, Plan, Create, Evaluate - *Remember that the order is VERY important)

6) In the PLAN box you will insert all the steps (one by one) that you need to do to create the bulletin. (You will use this Plan next week as a guide when you create your template.)
Your Plan box will be full of text (the steps) and the other 4 boxes will only have one word in each of them.

7) Finally, create another box and type the words "Process Journal" and include your blog address.

There, you are done! You did it!

Year 7's are stars

1 comment:

*super_spaniels* said...

Thanks miss Dietrich!
You are also a STAR!!!

from Sophie