Year 7 - It all begins with a plan! Since we have a double - we should be able to finish this in 1 period! Hooray!
PLAN (Maximum 6) (1 period)
Students are expected to construct a plan to create their chosen product/solution that has a series of logical steps, and that makes effective use of resources and time.
Students are expected to evaluate the plan and justify any modifications to the design.
To get full marks: The student produces a plan that contains a number of logical steps that include resources and time. The student evaluates the plan and attempts to justify any modifications.
CREATE (Maximum 6) Begin making your PowerPoint Presentation!
Students are expected to document, with a series of photographs or a video and a dated record, the process of making their product/solution, including when and how they use tools, materials and techniques. Students are expected to follow their plan, to evaluate the plan and to justify any changes they make to the plan while they are creating the product/solution.
To get full marks: The student uses appropriate techniques and equipment. The student attempts to follow the plan and mentions any modifications made, resulting in a product/solution of reasonable quality.