Year 7 - We have a lot to do today.
You should have created your pamphlet already. Have you also created one for Mrs. Thompson? If not, let's do that first.
Then you need to Evaluate your project.
Ask yourself (and answer) the following question;
1-Did you meet your goal?
2-Did you learn a lot about Word 2007?
3-Did you learn a lot about bulletins/pamphlets and what makes an effective bulletin?
4-Was it interesting task? Did you enjoy doing it? If no, why not?
5-Could you do this now alone for another class?
6-Does your pamphlet follow the Design Specification Explain.
7-How could the pamphlet be improved upon? Explain.
8-Make a list of 3 questions about your pamphlet and post them to your blog. Ask 3 classmates to evaluate your pamphlet and answer the questions. Do a small analysis of the answers