Friday, May 30, 2008

May 30

Year 7 - You kids are on a roll!

I see lots of great work being done! Let's continue with: DESIGN & CREATE

Remember - you must follow the Design Specification:

(Design Specification is 3 columns, justify columns, page border, underlined text, bold text, italics, caption below image, 2 different fonts, cu stom margin settings ( Narrow ) The bulletin should be colourful, informative, attractive and error-free. )

Sunday, May 25, 2008

May 27

Year 7 - You kids are hard workers.

Once you have finished with the Design (3 outside designs, 1 inside design), please continue on to the Create part of the project. That's the fun part.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

May 23

Year 7 - hope you had a nice day off!

Remember that we are part of the Technology Department (IT) and we follow a Design Cycle.

One aspect of the Design Cycle is "Design". During this phase, it is necessary to create a series of possible designs of the product. At this point all we are really concerned with is the "placement" of images and texts on the page.

At this moment the content is NOT important - that will come later in the Create stage.

Monday, May 19, 2008

May 20

Good Morning Year 7! You have been working like bees - buzzing around to complete your designs. It's hard work! You deserve a 5-minute diversion today - check out this great site I came across in my travels through cyberspace.

Haagen Dazs (the ice-cream company) is supporting this cause so check it out:

Now, back to Rm 12 (hahaha). We are creating 3 different designs for the outside page of our tri-fold pamphlet.
After doing that, I would like you to complete one (1) design for the inside page.

When you are finished with that, let's print it (in black and white). That's the tricky part.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 16

In Microsoft Word 2007, you can easily create a tri-fold pamphlet or brochure.

It's essentially a regular sheet of paper turned side-ways (landscape) and folded twice.

To turn a document side-ways, follow these steps:
1. Choose the Page Layout tab, Page Setup.
2. Click the Orientation icon.
3. Select the Landscape option and click on it.
4. Click on the Margins icon and select Narrow. Click on Narrow.

To make the three columns for the brochure, follow these steps:
1. Choose the Page Layout tab, Page Setup.
2. Click on Columns.
3. Select 3 columns. This will apply to your entire document.Now your document is formatted for three panels that fold over on a single page.

Let’s practice inserting:
· an image in each of the 3 columns
· a drop cap
· 2 different fonts
· Justify your columns
· caption below image
· bold text
· italics
· underlined text
· red and green typepage border only along the top of the page

PS: Year 7 click here for some new Vocabulary Games:-D

Sunday, May 11, 2008

May 12

Year 7, Continue with your Plan

Friday, May 9, 2008

Evaluation changes

EVALUATE – Comment on your finished pamphlet
1. Is the text error free?
2. Evaluate the product against the Design Specification. Does the newsletter meet the design specification? Explain.
3. Are you happy with the outcome? Explain.
4. Look critically at your final project. If you had the opportunity to change something what aspect would you change and why?
5. Did you encounter (have) any problems? Refer to your “process journal/blog” for details.
6. Comment on your own performance throughout each stage of the project (investigate, design, plan, create, evaluate).
7. If you had the opportunity, would you change anything? If yes, what aspect would you change and why? Refer to your “process journal/blog” for details)
8. How could you use Word 2007 in the future?

Product Analysis - Student will solicit feedback from others.
9. Student will produce a list of 5 questions and post them to the student blog to solicit the evaluation of 5 others (classmates, parents, friends, teachers). Answers should be included on the blog post as comments.
10. Analyze the feedback

Thursday, May 8, 2008

May 9

Year 7, it all begins with a PLAN

Let's create a Cross Functional Flow Chart. It's easy!!!!!

Click on the Office Button in the lower left-hand corner.
Next, Click on All Programs.
Then go to Microsoft Office and click on that.
Scroll down until you hit upon Visio 2007. That's the program we want:-)

Now open Visio 2007
In the Sidebar on the left - select FLOWCHART
Double click on Flowchart
We want our flowchart to be horizontal, and choose 5 bands

You did it Year 7 - now let's talk about what to do next!

Monday, May 5, 2008

May 6

Year 7 - Even more research!!!

Today I would like to gather infomation to include on your tri-fold pamphlet.

This is your way to introduce your city/country. Think about which places you would sugggest if your friend was going to visit this area.

Gather lots of images and information to share with others.

What kind of info??? Images, maps, coats of arms, museums, monuments, points of interest, special restaurants, foods. . . Well, Year 7, you get the idea:-)

Friday, May 2, 2008

May 2

We have 2 periods today interrupted by the break.

During Period 3 - I would like you to finish Activity 1 which you began on Monday and print it and hand it in.

During Period 4 - I would like you to complete these online activities designed to reinforce vocabulary.